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What is a Rhinoplasty?

NoseA Louisville Rhinoplasty (nose job) is the proper medical term for a “nose job”.

A Rhinoplasty (nose job) is an operation that can change the entire appearance of your nose or make a very subtle difference noticable to only you and close friends and family. Alterations are made to the upper bony part of the nose. Here we are typically removing a hump or bump. Changes can also be made to the tip of the nose as well. Several things are possibilities here but normally the tip is made smaller, less boxy and thus more feminine.

Rhinoplasty surgery typically takes place in an Operating Room under anesthesia. I do these both as outpatient and inpatient.

If you have an interest in the procedure, please let us know!

Lee Corbett, MD

All posts on this blog are courtesy of Louisville Rhinoplasty surgeon, Dr. Lee Corbett

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