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Can fat return to an area that has been Liposuctioned?

Tag Archives: Suction Lipectomy

I hear a lot of misconceptions about fat deposits after Liposuction. In my Louisville Liposuction practice patients are often concerned that if they have liposuction of one area, another area will get even larger when/if she gains weight.

Here’s my opinion on this. Fat can return to an area previously liposuctioned if you gain weight. Our bodies are all different and we all store fat in different areas. Some women gain a little weight and it is all in their thighs, others their backside etc… So if you gain a lot of weight and you had your thighs liposuctioned, and your body stores fat in your thighs, they can get bigger.

Your body will NOT “penalize” you for having liposuction though. If you have your tummy suctioned your butt will not get bigger if you gain weight. Again, we all store fat differently and your body will store fat wherever it wants wether you have had liposuction or not.

Lee Corbett, MD

Back in about 1996, when I was doing my Plastic Surgery Residency, Ultra Sonic Liposuction was just hitting the scene and was all the rave.

In this technique, a solid probe is inserted into the fatty area to be treated. Ultra Sound waves are transmitted down the probe and pass into the fatty tissue. The physics are sort of complicated but in the end, the sound waves cause the fat cells to implode by increasing the pressure surronding the fat cell. Thus, the fat is broken down and then can be aspirated more easily using standard liposuction equipment.

The advantages of Ultrasonic Liposuction are the ability to treat large volumes of fat with minimal blood loss, less bruising, and possible skin retraction. The disadvantages stem from the heat the solid probe generates. The ultrasound waves make the probe extremely hot which necessitates larger incisions to keep from burning the skin edges and if the end of the probe hits the under surface of the skin it can burn a hole in the skin. These issues are not present with typical liposuction.

Ultrasonic Suction is still used but it’s popularity has declined substantially.

Lee Corbett, MD

The “Tumescent Technique” is probably the way most people have heard of  in terms of Louisville Liposuction. This is because  the word “Tumescent” is often used to describe any technique that involves the use of wetting solutions.

But, this really isn’t accurate. The Tumescent technique of Louisville Liposuction is very specific in that the surgeon will infiltrate 3 to 4 times the amount of wetting solution as he/she plans to suction out. So a planned suction of 1000 cc’s calls for the infiltration of 3 to 4000 cc’s of wetting solution.

This technique is the preferred one if general anesthesia is not going to be used because it allows for substantially larger amounts of lidocaine to be used. It also keeps the blood loss to about 1% of the volume aspirated.

Lee Corbett, MD

With the high blood loss associated with the Dry Technique, surgeons evolved to using the Wet Technique for Liposuction.

The Wet Technique involves the placement of 200 to 300 cc of wetting solution into the fatty areas to be treated before suctioning. Wetting solution is IV fluid with Lidocaine for pain control and Epinephrine, which constricts blood vessels thus minimizing blood loss, added in.

This technique is another that I never use for my Louisville Liposuction cases. The reason, again, is it can lead to too much blood loss. Blood loss can range from 4% to 30% of the volume of fatty tissue removed.

Lee Corbett, MD

The Dry technique has been largely abandoned in Louisville Liposuction. The reason is that it led to too much blood loss.

Dry liposuction was the first technique used. It was done under general anesthesia and liposuction cannulas were used to remove the unwanted fat without any fluid being infiltrated into the area. The result was blood loss equaling somewhere around 30% of the volume of fatty tissue removed. This was accompanied by significant swelling, bruising, hospital stays, and even transfusions.

In 2010, I suspect you will not find a Plastic Surgeon using the dry technique for Louisville Liposuction. I certainly do  not.

Lee Corbett, MD

All posts on this blog are presented by Louisville Liposuction Surgeon, Dr. Lee Corbett.

I just completed the Plastic Surgery In Service exam. This is a comprehensive test that Plastic Surgery residents take each year to measure their knowledge base. Surgeons in practice can also take it to help ensure we are current with the ever expanding knowledge base within our specialty.

There were a lot of good questions about liposuction techniques so I thought I would use the next few blogs to explain the options you have for Louisville Liposuction. These include tumescent, dry, wet, superwet, ultrasonic, and laser liposuction.

Liposuction in Louisville Ky., like most parts of the country, remains one of the most frequently requested cosmetic procedures for Plastic Surgeons.

Lee Corbett, MD