Category Archives: General
What all do Plastic Surgeons do?
Plastic Surgery is a very diverse field. Most are familiar with the Cosmetic Surgery component. In Louisville Cosmetic Surgery is very popular. There are reality…
What is a hematoma?
A hematoma is collection of blood that can form after surgery. It usually results when a vessel starts to leak blood after your surgery has…
Why do they call it Plastic Surgery?
This is a pretty good question. A lot of people think as Plastic Surgeons we use plastic in our operations. Now we do use a…
Why do I have to wear this after surgery?
One of the things that make recovery after Cosmetic Surgery procedures different is that we frequently will put you in a compression garment. This is…
Intimacy after surgery.
This is a touchy, but oft asked question I field as a Louisville Plastic Surgeon when patients are considering or are recovering from surgery. There…
Men and Cosmetic Surgery
The number of men electing to have cosmetic surgery seems to be holding steady. Nationally, of all cosmetic surgery patients, about 8% are men. This number is…
What does Cosmetic Surgery cost?
I am often surprised by how much my patients think cosmetic surgery procedures cost. Their estimates are often 2 to 3 times higher than the…
Over the Counter Medicines and Surgery.
Im my eleven years of plastic surgery in Lousville, over the counter meds and supplements have become much more popular. In general, it’s best to…
What are my options if I want a cosmetic procedure?
There are fewer options out there than before the credit crisis / recession that hit in ’08, but you still have several ways you can…
What are all of those initials I see behind a Plastic Surgeon’s name?
Good question. As a Louisville Plastic Surgeon I am so used to seeing all of them that I mistakenly assume everyone else does too. I…